Thursday, August 23, 2007

Momma told me that I was "special"

Clearly, I am a little awkward at matching colors. I knew I should have gone with that dark red instead of the more pink-ish color. The color combinations are a little... avant garde. But I don't want to go buy another ball of yarn so I can make another 29 squares so the colors are less... unique. The pattern is lovely, it really is, but the colors. God, the colors... They're so... special and... personalized? But I've already come this far, I should just sew the thing up and send it away, so I don't have to look at it. But crocheting the entire thing together is a bit... daunting. It's taking up a lot of space on my floor where I have laid it out, which is a little worrying. I have no idea if it's going to match his decor, and frankly, at this point, I don't care. Shame.

After I'm done with the sewing up and blocking, I can finally then work on something else. It's really a relief. I've been working on this blanket for so long that it was starting to suck the life out of me. But now that I can work on my other projects... nothing could possibly go wrong. Right? I can totally make a matching leg warmer and not go insane. In fact, I can make the missing leg warmer, finish the other one, and make a matching pair, making two pairs. I can totally do that. I'm capable. I am dedicated. I am... going to fall flat on my face as I start the second leg warmer. I'm very special that way, I suppose.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Yarn Sale!

Yesterday, Jawon, Victoria and I went out to Common Threads for their lovely, lovely yarn sale. Getting there was a general success, never mind that it was before noon, passing the store twice, and trying to parallel park several times. But when there, it was really all I could do to not simply freak out and buy out the store with my college money. Granted, it wasn't actually THAT bad... just... a little terrible is all. There's nothing wrong with a little terrible now and again.

It's starting to worry me how much yarn I have. I know, I know. Me? Worry? About yarn quantity? AHAHAHAHHAHA!!! But I think the number of projects that I have lined up are starting to get a little out of hand. I'd like eat and have spending money when I get up to Davis though. In all honesty, it's not really that I've overspent on yarn, but that I have too many projects to do this summer.

As it stands, the project list:
1. Blanket for Yasuyuki: it's a monster. It's freaking huge. And I totally want to keep it. I made a deal with myself that I would work on it, but if I never finish it in time, I get to keep it. Lame I know. But I really shouldn't do that, just mail it to him because he's lonely out there. Damn. It's an amazing blanket though. Gahhh!!! I need to grow as a person. I can do this. Absolutely, I can do this. I have edited the pattern so that it looks like this:

2. Fair Isle Leg warmers. The pattern rests at and in my humble opinion, it's brilliant. I'm in love with it. I made the first leg for my cousin's bat mitsvah gift, but I clearly missed that deadling, so I'm probably going to keep it or end up giving it to her for... something.

3. Cabled Leg Warmers. This pattern is at It's a very very frightening pattern. Well... not really. It's just that it goes for forever and you have to make two. It's worse than socks really. But I'm going to need them for college and such like.

4. All the other projects that I still haven't finished and/or don't plan on finishing, that are still sitting on my needles somewhere in my room.

Planned projects:
1. Slip stitch bag for college. I've made the swatch and I'm not sure if it's stiff enough. But if I went on any smaller needles, they'll be bent in weird weird ways, so maybe I could just compromise on that one.

2. 2 pairs of mittens. My hands get really cold and I don't think that I particularly enjoy being cold so I'm just going make 2 pairs from the yarn that I bought at the sale.

3. A scarf that I can hopefully knit in the round, because clearly, I'm delusional enough to think that I can stick through 60 inches of stockinette in the round. Clearly. But maybe, I'll change it a little with... ribbing? But that's weird. I should go back for another ball... Maybe a two sided scarf? Oh the possibilities!

4. A felted bag so I can still hold my books as I bike frantically to lecture so I can learn stuff. It'll be stripey'd and it'll be great fun. It's knit on giant needles so I can felt it later. <3

But looking back on it, I don't think it's possible for me to finish all this knitting by the time I leave. Even if I take some of it with me, I don't think that I can finish it. It's slightly horrifying actually, how much knitting I have planned. Then I realize that there is no hope for me, at all. I'm clearly addicted and the yarn has truly eated meh.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Lately, my friend has been on something of a knitting jag. Something like it, but not really. It's really startitis, but she doesn't know it yet. All the symptoms are there: a yearning to start something, boredom with everything she has, no regard for deadlines imposed, and complete ADD with all projects. But I believe that mittens will be around for awhile. They're small-ish and kinda portable, so she can totally work on it everywhere.

There is a point to that last paragraph, I swear. I was just inspired to design my own mitten set for her. I'm not too good at this whole designing thing, especially with the whole Latvian mitten craze she is on, but I have something better! Okay, fine. Not better than Latvian mittens, but that's pretty tough competition. I'm going to design mittens after henna tattoos. The tattoos were made for hands and women and such like, so it shouldn't be too far of a stretch, but we'll see. If I come back screaming and crying, just hand me a tissue and don't tell me, "I told you so." This is the page that I plan on working off of: It seems helpful, so I think I'm going to be okay.

Then again, you probably shouldn't take me too seriously, it is getting close to midnight and I am a little on the erratic side.