Friday, July 27, 2007


Welcome to my newest blog! I'm new to this whole blogging with a purpose and we'll see how it all works, shall we? I'll try to be somewhat regular with my updates, but goodness knows how that's going to work. But welcome to my blog world. Hopefully, things will all turn out for the best and I don't completely forget you all.

To make it clear, the title of the blog is "Halp! The yarns eated meh!" which is something I'm probably going to say someday. They're safely contained in boxes for now, but I don't know if that could possibly hold them forever... I don't know. I hope so. But at the moment, yarn, knitting, and crochet have possibly taken over my life (read possibly as "absolutely"). Hopefully I'll come up with something spectacular now and again; every blind squirrel finds a nut now and again. But at any rate, welcome to my blog, enjoy your stay.

With the boring bits over with, I can move on to the things that I've been working on. I finished a pair of socks and they're lovely. Well turned heels and everything. I'd like to tell you that I enjoyed making them, but honestly, that would sort of be like lying wouldn't it? The foot went on for miles and miles and heel refused to turn and the cuff... let's not even go there. But in the end, I have BOTH socks, I have a matching pair! I nearly fell to SSS (Second Sock Syndrome) but I conquered it with sheer will power! That and a lot of strawberries and whipped cream. I used pattern, which isn't too bad really. The layout of the sizes was a little strange with the middle size, then largest, then smallest. It was helpful though, since I didn't have to look within the parenthesis and have awkward looking socks with strange shaping and such like.

As a crochet option, I've started on a blanket and I think I have gone a little overboard in the planning. It's a gift for a friend and I hope that it'll work out. I'm not sure how big it's supposed to be, but it is a series of crocheted granny squares that should look something like this: But I think I'm getting a little carried away with the number of squares. Now that I look at it again... I think I've plunged too deep a little too quickly. Oh dear... this is going to be a fun project. Sure... fun.

However, it is also my cousin's bat mitsvah and I'm not sure what to make her. I have less than a week and I really need to get a move on it. I should have worked on it instead of my socks, but still... the socks called my name! Leg warmers? I don't know. I'm not sure. Probably. I'm a little worried about getting it done on time. I don't want to turn into a raving, knitting lunatic the night before the party. I'd rather not pull a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Again. That is reserved for Christmastime and is a once a year event. I hope. I don't think my mind could handle that.

On another more technical note I need a webcam so I can take pictures of my projects. That or get a digital camera. I could borrow my mother's... I'm sure she won't notice that it's gone for extended periods of time. Yes. That's a great idea!

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