Sunday, May 4, 2008

Danger! All Cals Hat!

Well, this hat was started for no particular reason other than the fact that I was going to be on a 4 hour car ride, one way, for a fencing tournament. I picked a random ball out of my stash and started knitting a hat. It's kinda sad that I didn't really finish it until lately, but that's alright, I guess. During the trip, I promised it to a member of my fencing team, Danger, I'd disclose his name, but I don't want to invade his privacy that way. But here is the pattern!

I did all of the cables without a cable needle. I'm not really sure how to explain but this website will help.

Instead of using 3 stitches to slip, I did only 2. The cable uses only 4 stitches overall.

C4L = Cable. Put tip of right hand needle into the back of the 3rd and 4th stitches on the left hand needle. Slide all stitches off, catch 2 free stitches with left hand needle and slip the two that are on the right hand needle back onto the left hand needle. Now the order of stitches would be 4,3,1, 2 from the tip of the needle. K all stitches.

- Size US 6 dpn
- 1 Ball Patons Classic Merino Wool in Natural Mix
- Yarn needle

1. With yarn, CO 100 stitches, pm, join without twisting.
2. Work in 1x1 rib for about 2 inches (Or until you get tired of it).
3. K2tog, then knit 2 rounds (99 stitches)
4. *P5, K4, rep from * to end of round.
5. *P5, C4L, rep from * to end of round.
6. *P5, K4, rep from * to end of round.
7. *P5, K4, rep from * to end of round.
8. *P5, K4, rep from * to end of round.
Rep 5 - 8 3 more times for a total of 4 repeats.
9. *P2tog, P3, C4L, rep from * to end of round.
10. *P4, K4, rep from * to end of round.
11. *P4, K4, rep from * to end of round.
12. *P4, K4, rep from * to end of round.
Rep 9 - 12 3 more time for a total of 4 repeats.
Crown shaping:
13. *P2tog, P2tog, C4f, rep from * to end of round.
14. *P2, K4, rep from * to end of round.
15. *P2tog, K4, rep from * to end of round.
16. *P1, K4, rep from * to end of round. (55 sts)
17. *P1, C4L, rep from * to end of round.
18. *P1, K4, rep from * to end of round.
19. *P1, k2tog, k2tog, rep from * to end of round. (33 sts)
20. *P1, k2tog, rep from * to end of round. (22 sts).
21. K2tog to end of round (11 sts).
Break the yarn, using a yarn needle, thread the yarn through the remaining stitches and pull to close the crown. Weave in all ends. Block.

The END!

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